Basic CMYK

Elder abuse and crimes targeting older people are a real issue that come in many forms, including neglect, physical, financial and sexual abuse.  Learn how to stay safe and report suspected abusers.

Any person who believes that an older adult is being abused, neglected, exploited or abandoned may call the elder abuse hotline.  The hotline is open 24 hours a day.

Statewide elder abuse hotline: (800) 490-8505 

Signs of elder abuse – Although these signs do not always mean elder abuse, it is important to be aware that elder abuse can occur at anytime to anyone:

  • Bruises or broken bones
  • Weight loss
  • Dementia may be blamed on “old age” when the real cause is malnutrition or drug interactions or side effects.
  • The older person never goes outside or never sees visitors
  • Withdrawing large sums of money from a savings account without apparent reason
  • Signing over his or her home to a relative