• Meals are delivered between 9AM – Noon every weekday. You must be home to accept your meal in person, unless an alternate delivery is requested and approved by Meals Coordinator or Executive Director. ‘
  • If you need to cancel a meal, please call at least 48 hours before delivery date. Cancellations for private pay customers cannot be credited with less than 48 hours notice, as the kitchen orders are placed in advance.
  • We serve freshly made, Ready-To-Heat (RTH) meals. The protein, starch and vegetable in your compartmentalized tray is fully cooked and comes to you chilled with heating instructions for both oven and microwave.
  • We offer an optional Light Meal menu. This extra “sandwich” meal is optional and an additional cost for all customers.
  • If you choose the Diabetic Meal, desserts are sugar-free and the content is decided upon by the kitchen.
  • All meals are prepared with No Added Salt, sauces are Low Sodium, and are appropriate for a DASH Diet [Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension].
  • Vegetarian, Soft Foods, and Renal diets can be accommodated with prior notice.
  • For those with food allergies and other food restrictions, we can substitute foods. For example, if you are lactose intolerant we can give you juice instead of milk. We can substitute almond milk for 2% milk. Additionally, the kitchen uses what they have available at the time of the substitution; therefore, we cannot offer custom substitutions or meals.
  • Frozen “Holiday Meals” are delivered the weekday prior to the following holidays: New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, MLK Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Junteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, as we are closed on these days. A holiday calendar will be provided each year.

Call us weekdays 8AM to 4PM if you have questions: (814) 452-6930